Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is an outpatient procedure performed by a dentist. In some cases pulling teeth (removing a tooth completely from its spot in the jaw bone), may be necessary to preserve or improve your dental health.

Some of the reasons for tooth extraction include:


  • Pulling teeth for braces: Preparation for orthodontia (braces and retainers) often involves pulling one tooth or a few teeth.
  • Pulling teeth to save space: Wisdom teeth are often removed if there is no space for them in the mouth, or if they become impacted or infected.
  • Pulling teeth due to damage or decay: Tooth extraction may be the only option if a tooth is too decayed or damaged to be repaired with a filling or crown.
  • Pulling teeth in radiation or chemotherapy patients: If radiation or chemotherapy to the head and neck causes teeth to become infected, pulling teeth may be necessary.

Tooth Extraction Healing and Recovery

After any type of tooth extraction, be sure to follow your dental professional’s instructions for oral care, including the following tips:

  • Eat Soft Foods: Stick primarily to liquids until any anesthesia wears off, and then limit your diet to soft foods for the first few days after a tooth extraction.
  • Take care of your teeth: Don’t brush the teeth immediately next to the area of tooth extraction on the first day after the procedure, but do brush the rest of your teeth. Two days after a tooth extraction, get back to a good oral care routine.